Montag, 23. Februar 2009

Graph "Smokers"

It’s quite shocking to note that there is a more negative result I ever thought. 17 of 100 respondents fewer than 16 years are smokers! A high number if you know that smoking is only allowed with 16 years (in some countries even with 18 or 21). You can also see: The number of smoker is getting higher and higher the older the respondents get. This bar chart shows us that the most smokers are between 18 and 20 years old. If you look at this it’s conspicuous that the number of smokers is getting lower by the 21 or older people. All in all the result of this poll is quite simply shocking.

1 Kommentar:

Guenter hat gesagt…

exp /g: 'result'?? (Ergebnis)- this chart shows a more negative result than I would have thought possible
exp: 17 in 100 respondents below 16
exp: This is a high number when you consider that smoking is only legal from age 16 and above.
g: the number of smokers
exp: is getting highter --> is increasing / increases
g: that most smokers
exp: is getting lower --> is decreasing / decreases / falls / drops / ...
exp: by the age of 21
exp: is quite shocking / is simply shocking