Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009

Opinion essay:
Is it important that people stay informed?

Nowadays mostly everybody wants to be informed. That’s why you can get your information’s from wherever you want (the newspaper, the television, the radio or even the internet). But what news can do generally? And why is it so popular for us to be informed?

In listening paragraph I list my ideas in logical order. First I want to start with the democracy (politics). I am convinced that there would be many problems if the democracy and the politics wouldn’t get criticised in the media. Because of the television for example, hardly any powerful politician is able to make something wrong without causing a stir. I am unsure how these guys would abuse their authority if they wouldn’t be watched by the media… To give another example I will take a firm stand to the free election. Moreover it is very important to know enough information about the party you will vote. In the media we usually hear not only the good aspects of them and that’s also very important, because they are our future!

Second there is the social aspect why we should be informed. You should be able to communicate and discuss about controversial issues with friends, your partner or even strangers. It is always good having a theme about you can talk which is not the job. People who are “up to date” get mostly categorised as well educated and this is a nice side action isn’t it?

Finally I want to tell about why it is good for ourselves to be informed.
News can influence us. This is due to our own experiences and our attitude we had before we were reading an article for example. It’s also the guilt of the reporter who is able to influence the reader. Maybe he conceals the reader from something or gave a false colour? On the one side there is this bad aspect, but on the other side it’s necessary for educating ourselves, to build our own opinion or to find new aspects or new arguments.

To sum up, I want to say that I personally would never forbear from reading the newspaper, or staying informed with television. Because I want to be informed about all the good and bad things happens on our world. Only if people are informed they could have profound and actual discusses or get new aspects which could change the mind they had before. The most important reason we should be informed about our world is that we are only able to change something, if we know about a problem or dubious activities of some politicians…

442 words

Montag, 23. Februar 2009

Graph "Smokers"

It’s quite shocking to note that there is a more negative result I ever thought. 17 of 100 respondents fewer than 16 years are smokers! A high number if you know that smoking is only allowed with 16 years (in some countries even with 18 or 21). You can also see: The number of smoker is getting higher and higher the older the respondents get. This bar chart shows us that the most smokers are between 18 and 20 years old. If you look at this it’s conspicuous that the number of smokers is getting lower by the 21 or older people. All in all the result of this poll is quite simply shocking.

Montag, 2. Februar 2009

boyz 'n the hood


Group 1:
What kind of lessonds does Furious Styles teach his sin Tre.
Do they guarantee a better life?

-> Show respect (3 rules)
1.) Look people onto their eyes | leading person-> doesn’t be lead by others
2.) Stealing is not necessary | Rule is self reliance
3.) Show everybody respect who respects you back

Black add white persons have different aims (e.g. the Army)

-> What a real man is
• real men are allowed to have kids
• trying to be responsible
• take care on children, family, job
• you have to know your problem and not these from the other ones (Ricky: shooting)
-> better think at your future
• structure life
• leader (leadership)

• work is not dirty- it is important (have to be done by society)
• black/white: respect soldiers; stealing is not necessary, brotherhood (not hate black people, you should understand them
• not only put your dick in women -> there is more than that

In our opinion, the rules of Furious Styles do guarantee a better life. Not for nothing he is one of the few survivors. It was absolutely right, to went out of the car and let adjust Ricky’s brother the situation on himself. It was his problem- not the problem of Tre

job application

14th and K Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20005

2nd February, 2009

Sir Robert Bothwell

Rock Island Radio

1200 17th St. NW, 4th floor

Washington DC


Dear Sir Bothwell,

Application for the announcer position

I would like to apply fort he position advertised in the Washington Post. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certificates, my resume and seven references. The vacancy in your radio station sounds very interesting, and I have had some experiences of Promotion, speaking in Talk shows and even as a weather outlook announcer. I have always tried to keep up with the new developments in

  • Economy: International marketing, controlling, business communication, project- and crisis management
  • Communication/Softskills: Presentation, moderation, rhetoric, creative methods
  • Basics: social science, politic, basic rights, multimedia and economy skilled works
  • Languages: English, Spanish, Russian language

Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my application with you. I can be reached anytime via my cell phone, 1-800-998-7087.Thank you für ypur time and consideration.


Sarah Klinger