Samstag, 17. November 2007


What happens after death?

In my opinion, however you will die, everybody will hover above the own dead body at first. You will see your own corpse. Next your whole life passes in front of your eyes. Then you can see a dark tunnel. At the end there’s a warmly shining light. Maybe our souls will fly around the world and watch our bereaved after that. I strongly believe that, because there are many people with near-death-experiences and mostly everybody told that. I don’t believe the old traditions with heaven and hell. A hell would be very unfair! That, what the religions are telling (7 virgins, rebirth…), is also nonsense in my mind.

I’m very interested in the topic “death”, but I am living now and so I

don’t want to know the solution soon…

1 Kommentar:

Guenter hat gesagt…

"however" = jedoch - "in whichever way you die"
"above their own dead body"
"I don't believe in ..."
"that what" --> "what" (no "that" needed)
"telling their believers" (you need an object)
"I'm alive"
- fluent, some good vocabulary, but you also run into trouble vocabulary-wise