Freitag, 16. Mai 2008

Correction of the exam

More and more violence is shown to us in the media. Is it that what we want to see in the cinemas and on TV?

I partly agree with Michael Medved, a British author, with the four big lies of the media. In contrast to Medved, I think that violent movies don’t influence us. On the one hand it’s true that there are some copy-cat killers, but on the other hand a minimum of all people, who watch those films. I strongly believe, that this people are mentally disordered and that violent films are only the last push to put the arranged murder into action. A reason is, if we watched a dance film, we also would never walk out of the cinema and start dancing. He also claims that it’s a lie to say, that movies only shoe the reality. Likewise I’m also sure that reality isn’t like this fortunately. Another point is that harmless films like “The Lion King” are more successful than violent films. In my opinion that’s a very good argument. Finally, I also understand the media. Violent is everywhere in the news, in the newspaper and on the streets. We are confronted with violence every day and we can’t do much against it, but we haven’t watched the violent films in the cinema. So we can choose, if we want to watch a violent movie or not. Why we are getting exciting over it?

I personally believe that there are some good reasons for the violence in this world. First, we are born with it and we are getting violent, because of frustration. Second, we learn it from our parents. If a child got hit by the own father in punishment of something, I am sure that it is going to do same with the own children. Third, I think it’s the result of stupidity. Many people are only able to solve a conflict with knocking down the opposition instead talk together. That’s a sign for debility in my opinion.

There has to be done something about the violence among children and there are many things we could do. For example we have to reach agreement with the television companies that they have to broadcast violent films at a later time on TV, when the children are sleeping. There also has to be an age-limit on DVD’s and computer games. I think that these measures would be very successful, as long as they get strictly enforced. As the last point I would claim, that the parents should try to bring up their children without any violence. They should read books with them, where violence is present as something very bad. The children should watch Disney films instead of KILL BILL.

To sum up, I am convinced that not only the films influence us. I am more the opinion, that the other people, like for example superstars, have a influence and so they set an example to us.

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