Freitag, 22. Februar 2008

A pro/con essay

Violence is a normal course of life. Every day, we are faced with brutal films, computer games, or violence on the streets. Many people blame the violent movies on the increasing of violence everywhere in the world since many years. But is the only solution for a non-violent life a ban on violence in movies? Or would it be successful to censor or forbid brutal films?

A powerful argument which is for a ban on violence in movies, is for example that there are also many good non-violent films which are very successful. Maybe because there are too many brutal films to buy on the open market and to watch in the cinemas, that it doesn’t shocks us anymore. Some good examples for non-violent films are for example “Finding Nemo” or “Winnie Puuh”. Moreover it’s proved that violent movies have got an extremely high influence on children less than twelve years. Little children, who are watching to many horror films, become more violent to others. Some of them want to copy their killer idols and that’s very frightening. Furthermore it could be, that people are thinking, that violence or suicide is a solution after watching such films! If they are depressed and helpless, and they are watching for example a film, where someone kills himself, they try to imitate because they believe it’s their last solution.

In contrast to these arguments, there are also arguments against such a ban.
First is so much violence not realistic anyway. The most are even so unrealistic, that no normal person would copy it. It seems almost incredible that someone is running out of the street to kill some people after watching a horror film. Sure, there are a fistful stupid people, who copy such violent scenes, but I am sure, that they had got a big mental disorder before! Secondly, the majority of people doesn’t get violent or copies cruel scenes, after watching films with violence in it. Thirdly, we don’t turn into a non violent society, just because we don’t show violence! Violence is everywhere. You can hear violent song texts, you can read it in books or you can see affrays live on the streets. Even the newspapers are full of murder and crimes.

Personally, I am against a ban! Everybody has the chance to choose it by himself, if he or she wants to watch films with cruelty in it. So all in all it is irrelevant, if violent films will prohibited or not, we still will get confronted with violence as long the human stays on the world.

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