Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2007

The Adventure in Glowville

The Adventure in Glowville

„You are less than a servant, because you do nothing to support yourself. Sit down and think over your mistaken conduct”! That were the last words I heard from Mrs. Reed, after she banged the door and pushed a little girl in the room. It is the so called red room and he is used to punish naughty children or lazy servants. I am a mouse and I am living in my mouse hole since three years. In this time I met many punished and poor children or servants and I was really sorry for mostly of them. This room is a square bedroom with a heavy red rug and red curtains. It’s always very cold, because it rarely has fire, but I like it here. The daylight began to leave the red room and the girl sat on the chair and stared into space. I jumped on her knees and began to talk to her. She told me of her life, that she is an orphan and lives here in the house of Mrs. Reed, her bad aunt. Her name was Jane Eyre. “I can’t remember my uncle. I only know that he had taken me as a parentless baby to his house, and that before he died he had received a promise from his wife, Mrs Reed, that she would look after me as one of her own children”, she continued. Suddenly her face turned white and she shouted at me that the ghost of her uncle would be here! She got crazy and cried for Bessie, the nurse. Bessie tried to help her, but Mrs. Reed the little devil sent her away and closed the door. “This poor little girl...”, I thought and ordered her to come with me in my little wonderland called Glowville! After some magic, she crawled with me in the little mouse hole and when we were on the other end, there was Glowville-more beautiful than ever. Jane’s eyes got bigger and bigger and first she jumped around in the beautiful meadow full with exotic flowers. The sun shined and the trees presented us with delicious fruits. I presented Jane my friends the deer, the bird and the bunny. She was able to speak with animals! Only people with a pure heart can that. Here in this world there is no sadness and no bloodiness. I wanted to show Jane the most beautiful places and give her the best food to eat and the best drinks she has ever drunk. We rode on the horse to the waterfalls and we ate cakes and fruits and it tasted heavenly. Before we went back on the rainbow is whispered to her: “I hope I could amuse you of your sad everyday life! Not many children came with me to Glowville before you should know. But the Victorian’s Time is awful and I can’t understand why people are so cruel to helpless children and let them work so hard.” She smiled. After I told her the secret that I eavesdropped on Mrs. Reed and the Doctor, Mr. Brocklehurst and that I found out that Jane will be sent to a school in the next time, she made a dido and hugged me thousand times. Next we followed the rainbow and came back in the dark, unfriendly red room. Jane fell to the ground in a faint and I was sad about the fact that she wouldn’t remember me when she wakes up. But the thing that I made her happy and saw a smile on her face suited me. My job was done- I made one more poor creature of this cruel time from the 20th century happier..